Monday, December 29, 2014

Mods and Farkles 1: Multistrada Seat

The Multistrada seat, like almost all OEM seats is the bare minimum they can get away with to sell the bike.  For me the farkle journey usually starts here.

I admit it. I love a good farkle. Every bike I buy goes through a customisation process over a period of a few years as I make improvement after improvement until the bike is an extension of me. Sounds a bit egotistical, but that's it.

The Multistrada Seat

What is it with bike manufacturers and seats?  Previous to the Multistrada, I owned a 2006 Yamaha FJR 1300. It was smooth, powerful, somewhat sporty and except for the seat, comfortable. 1.5 hours on that thing and I was in severe discomfort.  Even after a stop, my endurance was limited.

Your typical OEM seat pays no mind to comfort. Generally they tend to convex in shape, thereby reducing the contact area and the breadth of support that makes for a comfortable ride.

For maximum comfort one needs to minimise pressure points and spread support across the broadest area, so a concave shape is the ticket.  And while sheepskin covers and Airhawk's do improve most stock seats, they just don't come close to the comfort of a custom seat. I've tried them both. The Rick Mayer seat I got for the FJR was a revelation, so when I got the Multi, I wangled a Ducati "comfort seat" into the deal and sent the stock seat off to Rick for him to do his stuff.

Rick Mayer seat on 2006 Yamaha FJR1300
Rick Mayer seat on the FJR....

The result was just as good. You know that 'numb bum' feeling you get after an hour or two of riding? Well, that is completed eliminated with one of these. I have found this to be good for a 600-700km day when necessary. But more importantly, my regular 300km Sunday morning ride is always a pleasure from a comfort point of view.

Multistrada custom seat
...and on the Multi. Aaahh.
Another good seat is the Sergeant. I have spoken to a few people who have these and they swear by them.

Postcript: Whilst I personally had no problems dealing with Rick Mayer, I note that he is no longer in business.

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