Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Mods and Farkles 3: Multistrada Airflow Management

Multistrada Airflow Management

The stock 2010-2012 Multistrada windscreen is rubbish. No that's too kind - it is diabolically uncomfortable and induces severe head buffeting for most people, irrespective of the setting using the adjustments provided. A big problem and the cause of much griping on the forums. The default remedy seems to be an aftermarket screen. Nah - too expensive and often no real improvement.

Through my forum readings, some people had noted that certain products that tilted the screen forward made for more comfortable riding. So I tried it. A few bits of plastic tubing and some long screws and I had a set of spacers that worked for under $10. Not perfect but a considerable improvement to the airflow. Buffeting was considerable reduced.

The next piece of the puzzle came from Eagle Screens who make l little piece of plastic commonly called by those schooled in these matters as "hiss flaps". These seem to divert turbulent air and further reduce the head buffeting problem down to negligible levels. I did look into some of the third party aftermarket replacement screens, but most of these are too big. In summer things can get a bit hot and you don't want to have to sit behind a barn door and sweat it out for lack of airstream.
Multistrada windscreen hiss flaps
Hiss Flaps divert turbulent air away from your helmet

Multistrada windscreen spacers
A few inches of electrical conduit, deftly cut to shape and sprayed black with a rattle can and viola - we have smooth air!
Frankly, this solution is pretty darn good enough. I have absolutely no cause to complain any more and no need to spend ~$200 on a new screen

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